You may have noticed that we are drawing close to another presidential election. This whole cycle has been…weird, for sure and certain, as the Amish say. I wanted to offer some commentary on the lay of the land as I see it from my perch here in Northern Idaho.
The presidential election is between Trump and Kamala. But let’s be honest, since Biden was clearly an empty suit and the Bureaucracy ground away at their progressive goals regardless of who the figurehead was, the Dems seemed to presume that any warm body would work. Problem is, Kamala isn’t a warm body. She’s quite cool. But regardless, the Bureaucracy is trying its darnedest to eke out a legitimate looking win. I say legitimate, because the antics surrounding the 2020 election have not necessarily been remedied. However, the GOP, having done little to address the glaring holes in our election process, are urging a strategy of “too big to rig.” I heartily applaud and am hopeful that strategy actually comes to fruition.
A Face for the Faceless
That said we are faced with two choices in this election. Trump or Kamala. You can of course vote 3rd party or abstain, and it is your right to do so. But that’s like going to play tennis with some friends but refusing to use a racket. Our system is winner-take-all and that is particularly true for those in the Battleground states; those of us in deep red states get to be like a grain of sand in a kid’s sandcastle. Battleground voters get to be the seashell decorations.
We might acknowledge that God is providentially working in the events of history, but the last few years He has been writing this story in big block letters. He is upsetting the order of things. He is dumping out our tidy baskets of complacent pride. He is filling up our empty buckets of humility. We are a stiff-necked people, and he’s giving us stiff-necked rulers. The schoolmarm Bureaucracy that we endured through Covid and beyond is the just recompense for our national compromise with the abominations of abortion, sexual sins, and unholy warfare.
Kamala has made it plain that she despises Christianity, she is devout in her commitment to abortion, and would do nothing to stop the endless flood of illegal immigration and would not turn off the printing press sending money to foreign wars. “Jesus is Lord” was recently shouted at her rally, and she replied with a dismissive, “You’re at the wrong rally.” Indeed, she is the face for a faceless Bureaucracy that despises the Lordship of Christ.
Throwing in a Wrench
Trump on the other hand has been incredibly preserved through both law-fare and assassination attempts. He is glaringly imperfect as a man. His Christian faith seems to wobble between insincerity and over simplistic. But he stands for defending the safety and prosperity of our nation. This is the responsibility of the office he is running for. If the Bureaucracy is intent to grind us away as a nation, he stands as the best shot we have of mangling the machinery of that Bureaucracy. It will not be pretty or perfect. But my estimation is that he has the willpower and determination to make a big enough blast radius to give us the opportunity to do some rebuilding.
His stance on abortion is the most challenging aspect for many Christians to figure out. So let me give you my impression, and this is only my impression. I have not received any hidden words of knowledge. He is the only prominent politician I can think of that declared that women should be punished for procuring an abortion. He is the only GOP President that gladly attended the march for life. He put a spotlight on the ghoul Governor of Virginia (Ralph Northam) for advocating for abortion after birth. He gave us the supreme court which tossed Roe to the curb. Trump has said that pro-lifers have a welcome seat at his table. If he wins, we must ensure that we take that seat, put our elbows on the table and begin making the case for abolishing abortion completely across the nation. With Kamala pro-lifers will not be at the table; with Trump, we will have a seat.
Down Ballot
It is also crucial that you study the down ballot candidates and issues. In Idaho we have a Proposition for ranked choice voting that deserves to be laughed back to Portland. Florida’s Prop 4 needs to be defeated, and soundly. Right now, it doesn’t look promising on that front. Christians there ought to step on the gas to defeat that proposition restoring abortion and through 9 months. In short, do not be complacent. This is how a democracy in a republic functions, and being a nuisance to tyrants never gets old. In fact, as Thomas Jefferson would propose, “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”
Bumpy Ride
The wise man foresees evil and hides himself. Our descent into whatever administration wins will be like arriving at DIA during a thunderstorm. That is, turbulent. You must do three things to prepare. Have faith in the Living God, whose Son took on flesh and now holds the scepter of the world. Second, instruct your children and family and friends in the ways of the Lord. A man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels, and this means that if you would be a decision-maker rather than subject to the whims of others, you must be a man of understanding. That is a summons to know your Bible inside and out, and believe its every word and labor to live it out entirely.
Lastly, prepare for difficulty. We are faced with hard work, and it will not be for the faint of heart. Wicked men and women currently wield power and have done so with the aim of establish wickedness in our land. They will not roll over so easily. Don’t chicken out. Stay steady. Stock up your groceries, and make sure you have what is needful for protecting your family and community. But never panic.
If Trump wins, as it appears is likely, we must not become complacent. In fact, that is when the most difficult work begins. But it will be joyous work for it will be the work of establishing Biblical justice in our land, and I think if he wins, we have a good shot at doing so.
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