Let me start with an understatement. Life is full of difficulties. The central difficulty we face is that of our own transgressions. But even leaving out sin, there are the difficulties of living in a world marred by sin. Difficulties in relationships, finances, politics, and on and on we could go.
If we liken our hearts to machinery, these difficulties are like built up pressure. Faulty machinery will inevitably lead to failure causing all that pressurized material to come spilling out as molten lava. The complaints, excuses, and selfish demands spew out in every direction, scalding everyone nearby. Some people’s machinery is so poorly maintained that all the complaints just ooze out continuously. Others try to keep it stowed away for respectability’s sake, but eventually it all explodes anyway. Difficulties build up, and the complaints come out either as seeping sludge, or explosive magma.
Now, let me say something surprising. You should complain. The pressure of your complaints cannot be kept inside. How your complain, however, must be completely unlike how the surrounding Christless culture complains. Your complaints are to be released through the valve of thankful and faith-filled prayer. Consider the Psalmist’s example: I poured out my complaint before [the LORD]; I shewed before him my trouble (Ps. 142:2). The unbelieving man doesn’t know where to direct the built up pressure, while the believer brings absolutely everything to God in praise, prayer, and petition.
The Lamb of God did not go to cross whining and fussing, spilling out bile upon all around Him. Rather, He went complacently, entrusting all the weight of His difficulties to the Father. Not only is He our example in this, He is also the only way for you to deal righteously with Your complaints. Cast all your cares upon Him, leave them there, and then give thanks. For Christ gives to you this everlasting bread of comfort, and this sweet wine of relief.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…