There’s been a steady march from Darwin down to the present madness that afflicts our nation. As soon as creation, and man in particular, is no longer seen as the handiwork of Almighty God, the slow march to the hell commences. An Atheist not only shakes his fist at God, he severs the spinal cord of his own humanity. To be human is to stand in an office, to be placed in position as a contingent being, made in the image and by the very hand of God. To cut that cord is to descend into madness. And our culture has descended very deep into madness indeed.
The Atheist who sets out to enjoy all the beauty, all the glory, all the blessing, is thwarted at every turn because they cannot say “thank you” for any of it. There’s no One to thank, after all. This is all just matter in motion. That ache to give thanks, but refusing to acknowledge the Fount from whom all blessings flow is what drives the Atheistic culture into madness.
This, however, is where God delights to meet lost mankind. When we’re mired in the filth of our own making, God comes down. Affirming that God created the cosmos, by the Word of His power, in six days gives meaning and purpose to the glory around each corner and in each creature. This doctrine gives vent to man’s desire to say, “Thank you.”
Christian thankfulness is what deals a death blow to atheism. We have a million glories around us, crowned bythe greatest glory: union with God through Christ. As we give thanks, we acknowledge our position as dependent creatures, and thus rise into true humanity. In our present conflict with our national madness, Christians must engage the fight with this weaponry: grateful praise to our Creator & Redeemer.