Astonished at how quickly 30 years pass, truly it is a vapor.
Remorseful over time, talent and energy wasted on frivolities.
Grateful for the patient love of many families & friends.
Repentant for three decades of sin against so great a Savior.
Humbled to be called elect, chosen, redeemed, and called out of darkness into His marvelous light.
Understanding that Solomon was right, there really is nothing new under the sun.
Joyful for many underserved blessings.
Fortunate to have had it so much better than I deserve.
Hopeful to labor with all my remaining might for the glory of Christ.
Eager to see my children grow and leave them a godly legacy as they raise their own families.
Exceedingly glad to grow old with a lovely girl from South Africa.
Happy that God has filled this world with things like chocolate, bacon, lemonade, sharp cheddar cheese and Dr. Pepper.
Speechless that I’ve been given the opportunities I have.
Thankful for the many people I’ve met & befriended on the many adventures near and far.
Gung-ho for however many more years God gives, may they be spent for Him.
Appreciative of those who’ve supported my ministry, music, writing, and other ventures.
Most of all, aching for the Lord Jesus to be exalted in all the earth.