Our nation is spiraling off into chaos. We deserve it, because we have attempted to unite around idols. But idols are jealous by nature. Territorial. Clannish. Tribal. They get envious of the worship rendered to other idols, and the followers fight to get more attention for their false god.
We’ve set our idols of money, science, power, sex, and pride in the center, and unsurprisingly divisions are the result. After all, your fame competes with mine. You and I want the same thing, and we can’t both have it. So, we take sides respective of our feelings on the particular idol in question.
The Apostle James tells us that it’s our envy which leads us to war with each other (Jas. 4:1-5), biting and devour along the way (Gal. 5:15). We tear each other to shreds, huffing off into our tribal groups, all because of our unfulfilled desires. The idols allure us with unity, but only grant division.
Not so with Christ. He was divided, and now offers His people true unity. Christ was torn, so we could be united with God. Christ’s body was broken, so that we could have true fellowship with His spiritual body, the Church. All the cultural chaos is because we refuse the unity, the fellowship, the cohesive force of Christ crucified.
By faith, His death for your sins binds you to His resurrected life. His death reconciles you with God and neighbor. His body was divided so that His Church might be united. His blood was shed so you and I could forgive each other’s trespasses as God has forgiven us. It’s always either Christ or chaos. It’s either erratic drumbeats of rival envies, or glorious harmonies of praise for the salvation we partake of in Christ’s broken body.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…