Despite the world being infatuated with all manner of omens of doom and despair, we confess here that regardless of the headlines God is putting the world back together. He does this by faithfully feeding us with the sweet loaf and the potent wine of His grace. The foundation for God’s global reassembly project is the broken body of Christ.
Adam broke this material world by his rebellion against God. But God’s solution to fixing the broken world was to break His beloved & only begotten Son; the Son who dwelt with the Father and the Spirit from all eternity in divine simplicity, in divine blessedness, in divine wholeness.
God’s solution to the curse of Sin, was to become the curse of Sin. Yahweh’s remedy for death was to die. His plan for freeing the slaves was to descend Himself into the bonds of Sheol. The Lord’s way to bleach your defiled garments snow-white was to wash them in the scarlet red of His blood.
God the Father gives us bread that’s broken, and we believe that this is a certain promise that we are made one body, with Christ as our head. The Father gives us crushed and poured out grapes, and this is a guarantee to us that God takes that which is broken and crushed to make something gloriously new.
The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper is a reassurance that God has given unto mankind the antivenin to the Serpent’s poison. Your response to all this is to believe. You receive all this by faith. Faith lays hold of this bread and wine and lifts it high, in bold certainty that despite all the gloom in your newsfeed, all the fuss and bother of wicked men, all the shakiness of the world, God is putting all things right. All things are being made new.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…
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