This is a great mystery. By these earthly signs, the Father, by the Spirit’s power, ministers Christ unto us. But though this is a mystery, that doesn’t mean we are unable to understand anything about what takes place at this table. We see glimmers of this mystery all around us, because the Lord has filled this world with such mysteries.
Like how a father’s proud presence on the sidelines mysteriously emboldens his son to tackle the oncoming RB who outweighs him by 40lbs. Like a wife rests at ease due to her husband’s faithful words of kind affection and diligent work to put a roof over the family. Like a flock loses their jitters when their shepherd is watching them. Like a nation is filled with rejoicing when the righteous are in power. Notice how the covenantal relationship which joins two entities becomes the channel whereby one party imparts seemingly intangible virtue to the other.
The father’s presence imparts courage to his son. The husband’s presence imparts confidence to his wife. A shepherd’s presence imparts peace to his flock. A king’s presence imparts joy to his people. The covenantal relationship is the guarantee that covenantal virtue will be given by the head and received by the body.
Christ is present here, and by the mystery of our covenantal union with Him we receive a Niagara Falls of virtues from Him. He is here, and so we can bravely face our foes. He is here, so we can rest at ease, even in the storms that surround us. He is here, so we need not fear or flee. He is here, and our temptations find no welcome. It is a great mystery, but it’s a mystery which God has willed to be revealed through these signs of bread and wine.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…