Children are question asking-machines. Why? What’s that? What’re you eating mama? But why? How do birds fly? It is a good thing to be inquisitive, love to learn, wonder about the way God made the world, and be wisely curious about how watermelon seeds turn into watermelons.
But parents are not only called to answer their children’s questions, they should ask their children questions as well. Who made you? Why did God make you? Does Jesus live in your heart? How does He live there?
When parents dialogue with their children in this way, it teaches the children to learn to ask questions which lead them to God and His ways (Jos. 4:21, Ex. 12:26). After all questions are meant for answers, and all our wonderings find their true conclusion in Jesus, the Answer Himself. So children, learn to be guided to not only the right answers, but the right questions as well.
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