Meetings That Work: A Guide to Effective Elders’ Meetings by Alexander Strauch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a brief book, but full of solid advice on how leaders, in particular church leaders should think about, run, and organize meetings. Strauch’s books Biblical Eldership and The New Testament Deacon were both immensely helpful, and this short book helps get into the nitty gritty of how church leaders should run their meetings. It should not be taken for granted that meetings are important and yet prone to getting encumbered with all sorts of gunk in the gears. Strauch seeks to encourage the implementation of habits that will help keep important matters (prayer and the word for elders; mercy ministry for deacons) front and center, and yet make sure that other matters are well-tended to. If you’ve grown discouraged at how most meetings seem to meander into the ether of pointless dialogue, this might just be a spark to get things back on track. Really helpful.
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