Baptism is all about a promise from God to His people. While today this Word is spoken directly to this child, God speaks in it loudly enough for all of us to hear. The promise spoken to this child, should reverberate in the heart of every true saint. Through no goodness of our own, through no merit or deserving, through nothing other than God’s sheer kindness He sets His electing love upon us and says, “You are mine, and I am yours.”
While today this Word is spoken directly to this child, God speaks in it loudly enough for all of us to hear.
He isn’t a cold & distant deity. No, Jesus is our covenant King. He’s our Bridegroom, our Brother & friend. He is our Inheritance. The promise here is that God is your God, Little One. This is the promise to him, and to you all gathered here, and to all who are Christ’s. God is your God, and will be your guide, even unto death.
So welcome our brother to Jesus Christ…