Say there was a small village where everyone thought they were the chief. Orders would be always given but never obeyed, and it would inevitably become like a WWE Smackdown. Everyone would want their way, but no one would ever really get what they wanted. The village would become known as Chaos Village.
There is a true King of the World: Jesus. This King gives authority to His brothers and sisters to rule over the territory He’s given each of them. That territory is your body. A sinful man’s body is like Chaos Village. His head and heart and belly and brain are always in a selfish war.
But the Spirit of King Jesus grants us the grace of ruling well the territory He’s given us. So be a good king or queen of your body, thoughts, and things. Use it all with wise purpose. Keep a peaceful, well-ordered kingdom. Jesus is the King of everything, and He has made you Kings and Queens under Him. So make sure your body is a “No Chaos Village.â€