I’d like to present a few instances of what we in the pastoral profession call “bald faced lies.” Our custom is to confront such lies when we see them and then pronounce judgement upon them. We’ve come to a point in our nation that we are simply accustomed to being lied to. However, the play being run on us is getting us to simply yawn at the lies, not seeing them as the infestation of termites eating away at the pillars of truth and justice, and so the roof will soon collapse in on us.
Lie One
The first lie I’d like to point out is the bonkers math proposal of the Biden infrastructure bill. Now, many of these journalists regurgitating the talking point–not to mention the politicians who are spinning it–wouldn’t recognize infrastructure if they were holding a shovel full of asphalt and told to fill that pothole on 6th St.; but that’s beside the point. The point is that they have no shame in telling laughable lies, right out in the open, with the national news networks’ cameras rolling.
The lie is going something like this: “The $3.5 Trillion infrastructure bill will cost us zero.” Now, even someone who graduated from a public high school can run the numbers on that and conclude that $3,500,000,000,000 ≠ 0; unless that new math is even weirder than I’ve heard tell. Now, this infrastructure bill is crammed full of nonsense, like funding a studying as to how to tax us for each mile we drive. They are going to take our great-grandchildren’s money, in order to study how they can take more money from us for freely moving around. The striking thing is that Biden, Pelosi, and MSNBC are spewing this lie about it costing zero as if we should be assured by it. And sadly, the lie will work. The bill, or another one just slightly less bad, will pass, and your descendants will wonder what it was like to drive across country without being taxed.
Lie Two
Recently, a garbled new transbender defense of their “life-style choices” has been circulating. They are now saying that a “trans-woman” is biologically woman because their brain is “wired” to see zemselves as a woman and “viola” that makes them biologically female. So, it isn’t their genitals that determine their biological gender, it is their brain.
Remember when the ancient sages of the GQBLT faithful proclaimed: “I was born this way.” The new prophets have clarified for us that we should exposit that dark saying to mean “I was born this way, because I think I was born this way.” Which is, if the irony is not lost on you, what we were saying, lo those many years ago; in other words, this is a deliberate choice of the mind and will, not a biologically destined lifestyle.
We should be mindful that lies never come alone. They’re a herd creature. They fester and spread and multiply. It wasn’t enough for those advocating for “trans-acceptance” to hate their own body, they must destroy the meaning of the body itself. Thus they defy the created purpose for the various members of our bodies. They have lied about their bodies, and now they’re lying about their minds, all because they believe the lies about their soul: “ye can be as God.”
Lie Three
The last lie I’d like to highlight is from this Biden photo-op:

This is Biden getting his booster shot. Tell me, you who have eyes to see, what the hell is happening here. This is the sort of propaganda that makes Stalin & Mao smile. A set piece designed to look like the White House; a fully vaccinated president dutifully wearing a mask, while receiving another dose (if that indeed is what they gave him). All this while the oft praised progressive Scandinavian countries have almost entirely rolled back any COVID restrictions. The lie, which this photo perfectly embodies, is that the freedom which we Americans claim to love has been a farce. The Federal Government has its talons sunk deep into every sphere of our life, and we will not be free until they say we are free….and that’ll come with the aforementioned tax on each mile you drive in your 1995 Ford F-150.
Sweep Away the Lies
The prophet Isaiah once pronounced this judgement unto Judah: “Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place (Isa 28:17).” Did you catch that? The Lord will sweep away the refuge of lies.
These, our beleaguered times, are times of falsehood. The fundamental lie beneath all these other lies is that the liars will stand firm forever. The Lord tells us otherwise. The refuge of lies our nation is living in will soon be swept away. If we continue to tell ourselves that God does not see, God does not notice, God is far off, we will soon find that our 2×4 framing, the floorboards, and the joists are rotten through and through. Our national habitation won’t be able to endure even a slight summer breeze, let alone the fierce wrath of Jehovah.
The only way out is truth in the inward parts. The reason these lies are allowed to endure and fester and grow is because we are a guilt-ridden nation. We have lied to ourselves and each other. We have thought that our own arm has gotten us all this prosperity and blessing. We have not taken heed, and now we are poised for a great fall. Unless we turn. Unless we stop telling ourselves lies.
The one who has a clear conscience, walking in the truth of Christ’s forgiving grace, is like a damp forest, the sparks of our lying elites can’t kindle. But here we are, a tinder-box nation. We’ve bought the lies, spun the lies, and now our house is lies…it will soon be swept away. Best to move out before that happens, and the only way out is to come to the truth.
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