Christ speaks to us in the Sacraments. Baptism and the Supper aren’t intended to make Gospel truth more obscure, or remote. This water speaks––loud and clear––words of salvation, cleansing, and deliverance in Jesus name.
It isn’t a rite which only a select few can attain to if they have enough grit and will-power to climb a sacred mountain or run a grueling gauntlet. Rather, this water assures those who pass through it that they’re sealed with the promise of Christ’s redeeming blood.
To keep things as simple as possible, this promise offers you a gift in two parts: death & life. Christ died for your sin, and He rose again to everlasting life. Instead of being obscured by this Sacrament, this Sacrament shines revealing truth that those washed by Christ, receive these two great gifts: they’ve died with Christ and so, are also risen with Christ.
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