If you’ve ever sinned, you’ve committed treason against the Most High King. You have blessed Him with your mouth, while your heart was far from Him. You’ve broken His law over and over again. You’ve murdered your brother in your heart. You’ve committed adultery. You’ve coveted. Other gods have caught your attention and captured your adoration. You’ve cherished your secret sins, and lied to yourself about them, making a mockery of your God who sees it all.
But this God, against whom you’ve rebelled, invites you to His Son’s wedding feast. He invites you to sit at His table, to sup with Him, to laugh at the jokes told, to join the chorus, to wear the finest attire which He has provided. He invites you to come, free of charge, with no fine print, with no hidden agenda, with no dagger waiting to slit the throat of traitors like you.
He offers to not only forgive your offenses, but He offers to forget Your offenses, reckoning You as righteous as His Son Jesus is. He does this for those who come. And the only way to come, is in His Son Jesus.Â
He is the white robe of righteousness. He is the meal. He is the judge who acquits you of all your high crimes, pays your fines, clears your record, and puts His record in its place. He is the bridegroom, that invites all of us black-as-sin roughnecks to be, corporately, His beloved bride. The Father has invited you to come and be clothed, be fed, be united to His Son. And though you might think all of this is too good to be true, the Spirit assures you that all of this good news is meant for you. It is yours. And all of it by free grace alone.
So come in faith, and welcome to Jesus…
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