God is watching you. He sees everything you did this week. He saw every eye-roll, every dirty joke you told, every hand which balled into a fist of unrighteous anger. He saw every website, movie, book, magazine, and TV show you consumed. He saw every act of rebellion to your parents, every unkind word, every cruel word of mocking, every bitter dispute.
But He also saw your heart. He watched when you did something apparently kind, but with a conceited heart. And how you buttered up your parents by doing your chores, so that you could manipulate them into permitting you to spend time with foolish friends. He watched how you finished the job, but by lazily cutting corners. He saw the good, Christian smile plastered on your face, but He also saw the roiling envy and bitterness in your heart. The Lord saw not only what you did but why you did it.
This reality should be a profound guard against sin. Being mindful of the all-seeing eyes of the Lord, should hasten our flight from sin. Sin entices us with the false notion that “no one will notice or know;†the saint must remember that the Lord will notice and know. Then he should hightail it on outta there.
For the sinner, this news should drive you to seek mercy in God, through the Lord Jesus. For the saint, this should be a comfort; your Father constantly watches over you so that you might grow up to be like Jesus. His convicting you of sin is proof that you are His child, and His truth is going deeper and deeper into every corner of your life.
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