I’d like to wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. While this holiday has distinctively American roots reaching back to the founding of our nation, it is a celebration of Christian virtue and faith as well. We know that every harvest is a blessing from God, and as such we must render thanks to Him. Further, we know that the Great Commission has sent us into this world, to every corner of it, to harvest souls into the Kingdom of Christ. While charlatans endeavor to retell the founding myth of America we must keep the truth alive.
God has been gracious to us. The Protestant, postmillennial hope which spurred most of the early settlers is still in the DNA of our nation. It is worth noting that even those who immigrated here from other places in the world came because of the Protestant hope which was established here. The hope of liberty, freedom, and the blessing of covenant prosperity has ignited the imagination of many to immigrate here. But it must never be forgotten, that all those principles must be rooted in the Gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, like Mather once said, prosperity will devour it’s mother, faithfulness.
As a small gift to you all, my faithful readers, when my Grandma Christie passed away in 2020 we found a stained copy of her recipe for ham-balls. I’ve never made them, but I’m going to attempt them this week, on my smoker. Wish me luck. They were always delicious, and if you try them, you’ll be whisked back to Cheyenne, WY and praise my Grandma’s culinary magic. My cousins and I used to see who could eat the most. I think my Cousin Aaron won by devouring 19 of these bad boys. All that to say, “Happy Thanksgiving” from my family to yours.

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