The rebellious son of Abraham will one day return to serve Abraham’s God by faith in Jesus Christ. All nations of the earth are to be blessed in Abraham. There was not an exclusion on the nations to be born to his illegitimate son Ishmael. Certainly Ishmael and his descendants have hampered and harassed the people of Israel throughout Biblical times; Islam has arisen from Ishmael and has proven to have much zeal for a sort of purity of worship for the one true God. But until Ishmael comes home in repentance, all his zeal will only damn him more fully as a rebellious son.
Muslim’s receive the sign of the covenant given to Abraham, which he gave to his whole household, including Ishmael (Gen. 17:23). Ishmael has wandered far and fought hard against the grace which God has shown him, but one day the prodigal son shall return and worship Jacob’s God, through the only mediator: the prophet, priest and king, Jesus Christ. Muhammed’s zeal enticed Ishmael’s descendants to earn their way back into God’s family through their relentless passion for a pseudo-holiness. The descendent’s of their younger brother Isaac, learned that the Law was a schoolmaster to bring them to repentance. Ishmael, you will never earn enough merit, be good enough, holy enough, righteous enough for God Almighty.
Muhammed is a slave-driver, who has turned Ishmael into a mercenary of the Law. Your righteousness will not appease the Father. Your fasting, your prayers, your alms, are all stubble which will be burned like chaff in the presence of God’s holiness, and all your works will be shown to be false. What will you hide behind then? What will you plead? Until you come, through Christ, the Father will not hear your prayers, see your good deeds, or look with favor upon you.
[epq-quote align=”align-right”]All nations are to be blessed in Abraham’s seed, including Ishmael’s nations.[/epq-quote]It is time for you to come home to Abraham’s God; with all your shame, with all your desire to honor the God of Abraham, with all your misdirected zeal, with all your fervor, with all your animosity. You have wandered far from God and from grace; but the ultimate elder brother, our Lord Jesus, invites you to return to God’s family. When you come, Muhammed’s fanciful dreams and myths must make way for He who was the Word incarnate. The time is coming when the glory of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, will consume like fire the lies which Muhammed wove in with God’s promise to Abraham. All nations are to be blessed in Abraham’s seed, including Ishmael’s nations.
Though Ishmael, it may seem you were passed over, the Descendant of your younger brother Isaac has made a way for you to receive all the blessings and promises of Sonship. You will never earn Father God’s pleasure through your own merit; Isaac tried, it didn’t work. Jesus offers to you the honor of being called a son of the Most High God. Turn from your bitter railing against the Jews and Christians; humble yourself; and come home. The Father waits to welcome you, along with every nation, to His great feast of bread and wine broken and poured out for all mankind.
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