A History of the Work of Redemption by Jonathan Edwards
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Rarely have I read a book and thought that it was a book that everyone, especially Christians, ought to read and have in their bookshelf. This one, however, quickly worked its way onto my list of all-time favorites. This is Edwards at his finest; thorough, logical flow, engaging, and above all else saturated with Christ. I can honestly say that this book is one of the most personally impacting books I’ve ever read, and I will likely be recommending it, and using it as a resource until my dying day.
I have always loved history, and I am so grateful for Edwards attempt to (in as concise a way as possible) outline God’s redemptive purposes as they were carried on through history. If ever I were to teach a course on Christian History this would likely be textbook for the class.
Although some may differ with Edwards eschatological views, I still think that this book would be a rich blessing to every Christian. If nothing else it drives one to faithfully turn to the word of God as the guiding light (which is how the book concludes, with a rousing survey of how we can trace God’s redemptive designs throughout history precisely because we have the Bible). I would give this 7 stars out of 5 . . . it is that good!