Oswald Chambers, only a few months after getting married–while on a speaking tour here in America–wrote to his bride (Biddy, as he called her) a powerful request for prayer. He wrote:
“Every now and again I get fearful of being prosperous and settling down. There has been so much blessing and prosperity on my life lately that it has made us afraid–but it is for Him. Pray much for me that it may ever be Jesus only and all in all in my ministry and life more and more.”
What is it that you fear? Do you fear losing your job? Gaining weight? The crash of the stock market? A dreaded disease? A natural disaster? Chambers’ words strike a nerve within us. We all too often grow complacent and indifferent spiritually, and take no heed to our greatest need. We chase after all manner of diversions: television, celebrity gossip, managing our hedge funds with a pair of garden clippers, games, drinks, meals, hook-ups, drugs. Spiritual complacency is a lethal disease. Yet, in this state, we continue to pursue any number of things other than our greatest need.Our greatest need of soul is, to put it plain an’ simple, Christ. And Christ only. And if not Christ only, then Christ is nothing.
Our fear is based on the desire to preserve self. Chambers’ fear is based on a desire to please the Almighty. Chambers’ feared becoming prosperous and “settling.” Stagnant waters, though still h2o, breed germs that kill. It is a pure fountain that slakes the thirst, and satisfies the taste buds. Here is Chambers, freshly married, enjoying a fruitful season of ministry, and his concern is that he will grow stiff, stale and settle into a rut of self-reliance. Is your prayer that your life would be a demonstration of Jesus only and all in all in your ministry and life more and more? How would it be, if glorifying Jesus was your ONLY aim?
I long for Jesus only. I long for Jesus only to be my all in all and everything in everything . . . more and more and more . . .
May fear of earthly things disperse before the only true fear our souls should know; the fear of dishonoring such a holy, yet altogether lovely God.
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