So, I just have 20 questions, off the top of my head, that our country ought to consider:

- If a man has a sex change to become a woman, should he/she/it be allowed to compete against women?
- If a company’s CEO belief is that marriage is between a man and a woman, should he be forced to resign due to being intolerant?
- Should we be tolerant of everyone, and everything?
- Would this tolerance include those that are intolerant?
- If someone harmlessly exercises their right to free speech, and their free speech offends 2% of the culture, should that person’s free speech be restricted or removed?
- If free speech is only free so long as no one is offended, is it really free speech?
- If the government mandates healthcare for every citizen, and then tells citizens that certain religious beliefs are dangerous to our health, should it then outlaw those religious beliefs?
- If the government that wants to confiscate its citizens guns for the safety of its citizens, but it also legalizes and subsidizes the murder of millions of babies every year, should said government be trusted?
- Should politicians who are unable to control federal spending be allowed to give themselves a raise?
- If I believe something to be true, but you don’t believe it to be true, should we be forced to tolerate each other’s contradictory ideas for the sake of equality?
- If we truly believe in equality, why do we lump people into innumerable categories (age, race, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, geographical location, ethnicity, etc.)?
- Is it ethical to hand off a debt of $17,000,000,000,000 and growing to our great grand-children?
- Is a President who legalizes birth control for twelve year old girls without their parents knowledge or consent really trustworthy when he tells us he’s interested in providing good “healthcare” for “all Americans?”
- Should we lend credibility to a government that passes a law, mandating healthcare for every citizen, and then has a celebration when 7.1 million people sign up for said mandatory healthcare? What a great accomplishment, eh?!
- When a government is more concerned about restricted gun ownership, but doesn’t ever seem to link mass shootings to anti-depressant medications that are almost always associated with these serial killings, should its citizenry be concerned?!
- Why should our government provide so many welfare grants to impoverished single mothers, so that they have zero incentive to get married (because the government can take better care of them financially, than a husband would be able to)?
- If a federal judge rules that is constitutional for water to run uphill, will this change the way water flows?
- If global warming–er–climate change is indeed happening, why is the government and a bunch of corporations making so much money off of the brilliant marketing campaign (i.e. we’re all gonna burn and die, so buy this refrigerator that is 20% more efficient)?
- Why are so many people suddenly gluten, lactose, dairy, nut, and flavor free? Oh, and why is eating organic suddenly the supreme virtue?
- When will we realize that there is a moral standard, and that moral relativism is not sustainable, and that not all ideas are created equal?
America, we’re going to have a pop quiz in the not too distant future. We’d better be well studied for such a quiz, when, as Cash once sang, “the man comes around.”
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