What was Sodom’s sin?
Some simpering exegetes aim to prove that Sodom’s sin wasn’t homosexuality. They do this by pointing with limp-wrists to Ezekiel 16:48-50:
As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.
Ezekiel 16:48-50
In God’s rebuke of Jerusalem, He chastises them for being worse than Sodom, but this in no way is intended to take the edge off of the vileness of Sodom’s transgressions. Being less worse is no praise.
We are then told what Sodom’s sins were. The first one stands out––sort of like a drag queen reading to children at your local library. Pride. I’ve heard Christian GQBLT “allies” interpret this to mean that what God hated in Sodom was that they were bigots, sort of like those toothless sign wavers in Taylor Swift’s gay-pride music video. In other words, it wasn’t because of the sodomy of Sodom that God rained down fire and brimstone; rather it was their bigotry and inhospitality. They shift this passage to pillory those who believe men shouldn’t sexually abuse each other’s bodies. The pride of us narrow-minded, intolerant Christians is what God hates. Perverse sexual desires and actions aren’t the problem. Intolerance is the problem. Bigotry is the problem. Pride is the problem.
Celebrating Pride
Pride. Hmm…where have I seen that celebrated recently. I could swear I’ve seen some small mention of Pride in some obscure corner of our society. Oh wait, practically every company has changed their logo this month to the “gay-bow”. Galveston painted their crosswalks with it. Our embassies were lit up with all the variegated sparkle and shine of gay propaganda. #PrideMonth is trending on social media. Retailers rolled out t-shirts, underwear, bubble-gum, and anything they could hawk they have.
Pride is being celebrated. One marvels at the effective branding of the GQBLT community. If only some Christians had the same motivation and imagination. Nevertheless, pride is the word which sodomites have chosen to head their parades of shame. Pride. The very thing which Ezekiel labels as the initial sin of Sodom.
Contrary to the gymnastical minds of effeminate exegetes of this passage, the pride of Sodom was the bud which led to the abominations. Pride thinks it is an authority unto itself, but it also comes to think that it can do whatever it wants and get away with it. This is the haughtiness of Sodom. Their pride combusted into gluttonous ingratitude, slothful indulgence of every whim, disregard for their neighbor, and all this inevitably snowballed into treating your fellow man as a thing to be consumed. After all, pride says, “I am god!”
Thus, it is no surprise that modern sodomites have taken for their motto the very sin which is at the root of all their abominations. Sodom itself would be proud.
Pride Goeth Before Destruction
But here’s the problem with pride, no matter what month it is. Pride is destined for judgement. Pride insists it can do whatever it wants. Pride insists on being its own authority.
As an example, if I go into my garage and grab a screwdriver, declare that it is a hammer, and proceed to try to frame a wall with it, any onlooker would think to himself, “Something’ ain’t right with that boy.” No matter how many nails I try to get in, no matter how vigorously I maintain that my screwdriver is a hammer, no matter how much glitter I throw as I frantically try to get that tool to work, it is a project doomed to failure.
This is precisely what every anal penetration, every scissoring, every genital mutilation surgery, and every new letter they attach to their string of sexual identities is. It is a knowing rebellion to God’s design for them and how He made the world. Their haughty rebellion insists that if they cover it in more make-up, attempt more vigorous sex positions, get companies to alter their logos for a month, pop-stars to plug GLAAD, and legislators to pass nonsensical “equality laws” that somehow nature will be what they wish it was.
But they know better. They know how God made them. They know that God calls them to worship Him. They know that to Him alone belongs glory. They know that He is the One who designed them, and the end for which He made them is His glory and their happiness.
But they insist on their pride. Every abominable act being flaunted at gay parades is itself the ripe fruit of pride. But this fruit is poison. No matter how much you insist it tastes good. No matter how loudly you scream that those who warn you are bigots. No matter what laws earthly governments pass. Your pride will not ease your conscience. It will only rub like the grit of sandpaper until your conscience is simply a callous where your conscience used to be. And then…your pride will swallow you, it will damn you, it will accuse you, and there will be no escape from the heat of God’s wrath.
A Different Parade
But this is not the way it needs to end. To take the parade metaphor…you can simply turn around, go against the flow, and there––at the other end of town––another parade is ready to begin. It is a parade that is generally poorly attended, but the food is better, as well as the company. The word at the head of that parade is humility.
The One who leads it bears the scars to prove that the path of humility and submission to the Father leads to true glory and exaltation. He invites you and me to join in His triumphant train, and go conquer the world. Your pride must stay. Your abominations can’t come along. But the pace of this parade, you will find, though rigorous will be just quick enough for you to keep up, but not so slow that you get singed by the brimstone.
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