If you haven’t seen, there was a shrine to Satan placed in the Iowa State Capital. There was a great deal of hand-wringing by one particular state Representative who also happened to be a Pastor. He noted his great displeasure with it as a Christian but then laid stress on the fact that as a Citizen & representative for democracy he must side with freedom.
Well just today a brave fella took matters into his own hand and toppled the shrine.
This is as opportune a time as any to remind you all what time it is. We are clearly under the judgement of God. We have been given cowardly leaders who invoke Romans 13 as justification for why they can’t do anything about the worship of Satan. The brave soul who toppled the shrine is under arrest and the Satanic Temple is pressing charges. Meanwhile, Nativity scenes are being scrubbed from public view, Christmas trees sprayed with paint in support of Hamas or Climate Change or Covid-19 (it’s hard to keep track of what the loony bin is protesting).
We are living in a land which calls evil good and good evil. This means that we are not living under God’s blessing. You live in a wasteland of cowardice and compromise. Your nation has chosen to tolerate Jezebel in her midst, and chide those who would dare throw Jezebel down to the dogs.
It is time for the people of God to cultivate courage. How should you do that? Well, Christmas is coming. Invite your neighbors, local college students, unbelieving co-workers to your table for Christmas. Spread a feast. Then sing the songs of Christ the King. He was the greatest iconoclast. To deploy Wesley’s great Carol, where the image of God had been marred in the fall, Christ effaced the image of Adam and stamped His likeness in its place.
This whole episode teaches us that a constitution, no matter how wonderfully crafted, will not save us. If we refuse obedience at the point of testing we will find that the constitution will become (and indeed it has become) the haunt of jackals. Rushing upon us is a time that will require the church to exercise true courage, and it will be the sort of courage that is costly. But do not fear, the saints have a long tradition of toppling the shrines of evil, and desecrating the high places.
The rule of law is derived from the holiness of God. I can’t believe this needs to be said, but the holiness of God is entirely at odds with the toleration of Satan and his LARPers. As you celebrate Christmas, remember that it is the celebration of the commencement of the downfall of Satan’s kingdom. The dragon is cast down. Merry Christmas!
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