Baptism is evidence of God’s goodness to you. You are crucified in Christ here. You are buried with Him here. And because you are buried in His death, you are also raised up with Him in His resurrection. Your body is His, because by this sign and seal His body is yours. And His body is at the Father’s right hand, and from than enthroned height His Spirit has been sent forth to dwell within the believer.
Baptism, then, is a comfort for every sorrow, a joy in every trial, a blessing for every turn of life’s pilgrimage, a boon of assurance, a Word of certainty for times of doubt, a source of praise for every moment. But your baptism is such a comfort only because it’s a baptism into Jesus. Your baptism binds you Jesus, and this is God’s goodness to You.
So welcome our brother to Jesus Christ…
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