The tale is true. This world is strewn with hints. All the clues are there. We are tipped off each time we plant seeds in the spring and harvest the fruit in the fall; or every time the sun sets, only to rise again the next morning; or when the dark chill of winter gives way to the bright green of April.
When God spoke the words of creation, it was foretold, for pulsing with life something came from dead nothingness. When God put Adam to sleep and made Eve, He was inviting us into the inside scoop that life would come from death. Noah emerging from the ark. Abraham receiving back Isaac on Mt. Moriah. Joseph being raised from Pharaoh’s prison to Pharaoh’s right hand. Moses leading Israel through the Red Sea. Joshua conquering the five kings, hanging them on a tree, and then burying them in a cave. Samson delivering Israel by bringing the temple of Dagon down upon Himself. David’s psalmody tells of many a time where he was near death, and then by God’s deliverance raised to triumph. The prophets all foretold it, some like Jeremiah were cast into pits to be a sign of it. But for those who have been given eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts to understand, there it is in creation and in scripture, plain as day. Life out of death is the story God has been telling us from the very get go.
Now we, those who believe all this in faith, taste life that came from death. Death that will soon be written out of the story. Death whose days are numbered. Death who doesn’t get the last line of the story.
Earthly bread can’t sustain you forever. Medical science can’t keep you alive indefinitely. Here, in this bread & wine which is Christ’s body & blood, you’re offered life out of death. Eternal life is here, bursting through the seams, that you might truly live. So see, hear, & believe the story that God is telling all around us.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…
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