I have been reading a John Newton hymn every morning during my time of prayer and study. It has been a rich blessing to read the
poetic verse that came out of this man’s passionate, blood-bought heart. His soul was a soul that felt deeply the things of God, and allowed his tongue to be the pen of a ready scribe (Ps. 45:1). The other day, I read this one, and I thought this is well worth sharing. The Bible is a treasure, and all too often we treat it so flippantly. Psalm 119:103 tells us His Word is sweeter than honey, Hebrews 1:2 declares that God is now ever speaking to us by His Son, Jesus, Hebrews 4:12 says it is quick, powerful, effective and gets right to the heart of the matter. How often we neglect the medicine, the shield, the sword that is given to us in God’s Word. Enjoy this hymn, and if you want to dig in deeper to how to get more out of your times of study go here or here.
Precious Bible! what a treasure
Does the Word of God afford?
All I want for life or pleasure,
Food and med’cine, shield and sword:
Let the world account me poor,
Having this I need no more.
Food to which the world’s a stranger,
Here my hungry soul enjoys;
Of excess there is no danger,
Though it fills, it never cloys:
On a dying Christ I feed,
He is meat and drink indeed.
When my faith is faint and sickly,
Or when Satan wounds my mind,
Cordials, to revive me quickly,
Healing med’cines here I find:
To the promises I flee,
Each affords a remedy.
In the hour of dark temptation
Satan cannot make me yield;
For the Word of consolation
Is to me a mighty shield
While the scripture truths are sure,
From his malice I’m secure.
Vain his threats to overcome me,
When I take the Spirits’ sword;
Then with ease I drive him from me.
Satan trembles at the word:
’Tis a sword for conquest made,
Keen the edge, and strong the blade.
Shall I envy then the miser
Doting on his golden store?
Sure I am, or should be, wiser,
I am rich, ’tis he is poor:
Jesus gives me in his word,
Food and med’cine, shield and sword.
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