At the entrance to the tabernacle was a bronze basin for the priests to wash themselves prior to commencing their work in the tabernacle. In Hebrews 6:2 these washings are described as “baptisms.” In other words, a priest must first be washed before rendering acceptable service to Jehovah. This of course is just one way in which the tabernacle shadowed forth New Covenant realities.
We come to Christ, through this sign of baptismal waters, to be cleaned, and thus be fit for service in the temple of our God. We are a kingdom of priests. The only means of bringing acceptable service to God is through Christ, by being washed in the water of His Word. That’s what this baptism declares. As one Puritan said, “Wash & be clean from every outward stain. Wash & be clean from all accusing fears. Wash & be clean from the deep springs of inward evil. Wash & be clean from this world’s corrupting love.”
So welcome covenant child to Jesus Christ…
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