Worship is to be a well-executed service; like a dance, a play, a high-quality restaurant, a coronation, an inauguration, a beautiful wedding. In each of these examples, thought goes into when each element happens, who does it, and how. It isn’t slapped together mindlessly. And if it is, we notice it, and sit there, squirming at the awkwardness.
This is an exhortation to know your part as we work together in worshipping our Lord. We are to be like those massive flocks of birds as they “dance” through the air with seemingly flawless execution and unity. It is an amazing thing to witness how massive flocks of birds, or schools of fish, or herds of wildebeests, comprised of thousands of members act as one unit. Those creatures are obedient to the Lord out of their instinct. They render Him praise in their own creaturely way.
But we, made in God’s image, are to render our worship to the Lord consciously. We are to be like a flock “many individuals seemingly moving as one body“, but we are to do so deliberately, with determined steps, aware that we are doing so to the Praise of God’s glory.
So, say “Amen” with vigor and unity, using your outdoor voices. Sing with strength and harmony. Stand, kneel, sit, listen, and lift your hands on cue, with all your might, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind. Prepare each week as individuals and families to meet with God. We ought not to stumble in mindlessly to meet with the King of kings. We ought to make ready with delighted joy, to make it clear to Him that He is worthy of all our worship, honor, and praise, because He is.
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